"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” - Emerson

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Importance of a Name

Who knew that searching for names could be mind boggling.
In the beginning of the process for my WIP, I spent weeks finding, using and discarding, until I found the perfect names for each of my characters.
While writing earlier today I realized that for my story plot to even be workable, each of the four important characters would not only need to keep their names that they have today, but they will each need a name for four different centuries. I continued my stride just putting in (new name) when I came upon a point where the name was needed.
Tonight I have spent the majority of my writing time researching the ideal names from the 17th Century, 18th Century, and 19th Century. Did you know that Bacon was a popular name during the 17th Century Ireland Era?
Me neither...
Needless to say, I have my glorious names and I am back on track once again.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Writing vs. Snow

Last week we reached a record for snow fall here in Texas. My diving board held around eight inches if not more. It was a beautiful sight here at my house. For Texas, this was considered practically snowed in.
Perfect time for hard core writing, right? I wish.
I carried my laptop around with me for three solid days only to revise three pages. Story flow seem to have had clog because I stared at the same paragraph for four days moving no farther. I took Valentine's Day off from any sort of writing thoughts.(I would have written even on Valentines if I would have had something to write.) Then come Monday night when I have to get up early for work the next morning, my mental Drano kicked in and I moved right along getting as far as I possibly could until my husband reminded me that it was a work night and I should call it a night. I work two and a half days a week, why couldn't the words pour out of me on any of the previous five days?
Oh well, though it was bad timing, I did manage to get through a difficult spot. That makes it all worth it in the end.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This has been a busy weekend in the "writing" compartment of my life.
Yesterday I attended the book signing for Candace Havens new book "Take Me if You Dare". She is extremely nice! But I am going to have to seriously work on my fear of speaking out loud to strangers. I am a member of her writer's workshop so I receive emails from her on assignments to do, so I feel as though I know her. Then face to face with her, it felt as though it was my first day at a new school and I checked my voice at the front door... I would have been handed back my new book, still wet with ink, and turned and walked right out that door with out a mutter to Candace if it hadn't been for my mother, who doesn't believe in the word stranger,who practically yelled out "She writes too!!!"
So I was then asked by awesome Candace, What do you write?
My response... this was my shining moment, and I said, "Uhh...I uh... "
After about a full minute of stuttering, I did finally find that wretched voice of mine and answer her, AFTER I looked foolish.
I am seriously going to have to figure out a way to overcome my fear of actually speaking to a stranger. It isn't like it was ingrained into my head as a young child not to speak to strangers, remember that was not a word in my home.

Moving on...
Today was my BPL meeting. It was one of those love it/hate it moments.
They are critiquing a book that I have already completed the first draft on and need to start doing the revisions. The hate it part came into play today because the chapter that I submitted, I found so many mistakes that I shouldn't have made. Not even minor but major ones. Oh well, that is the writing process. Learning from your mistakes and growing from them. Reviewing this piece while continuing to write on my WIP has also helped me realize that I prefer to write in first person. I love being inside my main characters head and making her thoughts real instead of just being the third person telling a story.

Speaking of my WIP...
I am happy to say that I did complete my latest chapter and I seem to be moving along fairly well in the one progressing at the moment.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It has been a productive day for my WIP.
I have managed to outline the next three chapters, then I brainstormed some crucial details to my story line that will be important in later chapters, and now I am in the process of finishing up the chapter that I am in right now. If Iwork like mad tonight, I think I can finish it before time for bed.
I wish days could always be this rewarding. Less banging my head against the keyboard when stumped, would mean less bruising the next day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today has been a gratifying day. While at the gym I managed to brainstorm a key plot to my current WIP (work in progress). Something that I have been struggling with for a while now.
Normally I keep a notebook with me at all times in case I have any valuable ideas pop into my thoughts at random times during my day. (Yes, even at the gym.)
But no, not today. Where was my notebook?
At home on the couch. Lot of good that did me, mid stride on the elliptical.
As soon as I put my son to bed, I hurriedly jotted all of my new found thoughts down as quick as I could (while trying to keep my ten month old off of the stairs).
So major hurdle overcome, now to just bring it to life...
It will take me a few days to throw it around in my head, but I have faith. Derek (my main male character) has been itching to get his side of the story heard and at long last, he will have his moment of glory.