It has been almost a month since my last post. And here I had promised myself to be more on top of my blog and writing. Am I allowed to be mad at myself for breaking my own promise?
Um, that would be a negative. People might think I am loony, well more so than normal.
My day to day life has been so hectic; it felt as though my head was spinning like in the Exorcist. But for the present time, the chaotic has reached a plateau and I have attempted to write again. Yay!
Except for one small, itty bitty problem…
I jumped all the way to the ending of my WIP. I am only 2/3rd’s done with this piece and I just skipped ahead. (oops!) Okay, well since I wrote the ending, technically I am now 3/4th’s done now… Right?
Anyways, I was lying in bed the other night and my thoughts were reeling trying to jump back into Mady’s life and it hit me square in the brain. I had the perfect ending twist to my story. It has been screaming at me from day one, why hadn’t I thought of it sooner?
All of the final scenes came to life and acted out in the exhausted movie screen of my mind. It all played out so perfectly in my head I had to get it out. I powered up my laptop and of course it took a sick day and shut back down on me. (Maybe I should look into replacing the darn thing.) So I went back to basics.
I grabbed a pen and my notebook then wrote until my wrist ached and I couldn’t form another legible word on the paper.
Then the next day, I was hit in the brain with another almost brilliant idea.
There is this one scene that I have now caused a fork in Mady’s road. The only problem is… I already went left and right now my brain is screaming Go back! Take a right instead!
So what do I do? Do I leave it how it is written and trudge through as is and make drastic changes later. Do I go back and reroute her decision on that one night causing a six chapter rewrite up to the present (where I left off before jumping ahead to the very end.). Or option three, leave it as is?
Oh decisions, decisions.