I have a BPL meeting tomorrow afternoon and the work I submitted has me nervous.
You hear that some of the best writings are from a writers personal experience of a situation.
I took a personal experience from my past and knitted it into a story outline. I am not very far into it, only 6000 words, but I have only just begun writing four days ago. It is the best work I have done so far and I only hope I have the courage to finish this one. Though I am not feeling very courageous. In fact this one has been straining emotionally. Just last night writing a scene I found myself weeping for my main character, Mady. How scary is that? She is only make believe. Right?
I have started ten different projects in the past 2 years and have yet to complete any of them. In fact, even this one has been attempted two times prior.
They say third times a charm... Maybe this is my charm.
Amber, I am so proud of you for doing this. You are way more courageous than I am. I have always wanted to be a writer, but I figured I lost my imagination along the way. I have been taking steps in the past couple of months to revive my sleeping imagination. Who knows? Keep up the good work. I would love to read your work. I'm betting it is better than you think.