Technically Ugh isn’t truly a word, just a sound. But today, it is my word of choice.
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
I’ve got nothing. My writing has hit a major lag in every aspect possible. I haven’t been able to get 20 words out on my WIP in six days. SIX! I can’t seem to get words out of my head. I even tried doing revisions on two chapters already written. That didn’t help what so ever getting words down on paper, but it did get the chapters ready for my BPL group meeting today. I am telling myself to think positive, but one word just keeps popping into my head and I think I have already typed it enough in today’s post.
Speaking of posts, this has been my first one in how many days? Too many. I have nothing to write here either.
What is wrong with me? Wait, don’t answer that...
Something has blocked the connection between my imagination and my fingers. I am in serious need of some mental Drano.
I think that if you just talk it out, you'll be able to take it and run like you always seem to be able to do! You are a seriously talented writer, I know you will be published one day.