"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” - Emerson

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Natures Inspiration

I was once asked what inspires me.

At the time I was unsure of the correct answer. I had never really put much thought into it. When an idea struck, or a feeling came over me, I just wrote.

Today my best friend and I took my daughter to the Botanical Gardens here in Fort Worth. We use my daughter as an excuse to go, (she needs the fresh air, she will love the pretty colors...). In reality, we are the ones giddy over getting to see the many arrays of flowers, wishing we had been given green thumbs. (We’d manage to kill dirt trying to plant something.)

During our visit, we were walking around the turtle pond when we noticed a shady looking building, almost hidden by trees and growth, with a sign in front posted Restricted. So of course we looked around to see if anyone was looking and quickly pushed the stroller, holding my daughter of course, and got as close as we could to take pictures. It was after the snapshots had been taken when we realized that the sign posted on the old stone building did not read Restricted… but in fact read Restrooms. (Maybe it is time for the both of us to visit the eye doctor.)

After a bout of laughing at ourselves, we looked around this wooded area set back far away from the pretty gardens and a scene played out in front of me. It was like writing magic.

I could see the character skulking in the murky darkness, watching his chosen victims as they walked hand in hand down the moonlit path.

Then I saw the teenage couple climbing over the fence, after hours, to have a midnight rendezvous in the fragrant flower beds. Then a storm blows in and they run for cover to this mysterious building only to find a killers lair where he keeps his trophy parts of his victims.

Hmmm, the possibilities.

The question was… Where do I get my inspiration from?
Well, I am beginning to think nature is what does it for me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Pseudonym

Emily Brontë had Wuthering Heights originally published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. She had two other sisters that also had books published during that time period; Agnes Grey written by Anne Brontë (pseudonym Acton Bell); Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Brontë (pseudonym Currer Bell)
These books were published 160 years ago and are still in circulation today, they must have been talented.

But since each one had a pseudonym it goes to show how different our worlds are from then to now. I couldn’t imagine living in a world where a female writer had to publish her writings under a male name just to be put in ink. I would like to think that in today's world it is different, but only by a mere fraction. I read on J.K Rowlings website that they gave her the J.K. pseudonym because she was a female writing about a young boy’s adventures. I never would have thought that made a difference. I love the Harry Potter books, I own all seven of them. It never once occurred to me as strange that she was a she.

There are several authors out there that chose to use a pen name. Some use their own name and then when trying their hand at a different genre or audience, they use an alias.

I have never been published, though I do hope someday I will be, but I wonder if and when that time comes if I will use my real name or use a pseudonym name.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

British Literature

Again it has been a few days... or a week, which ever way you prefer to look at it, since I have posted last.

My WIP has not received the attention that it deserves, but some days writing is shoved to the side. Lately, many days.
I had my BPL writers group meeting last Sunday, there were only three of us that were able to attend... The other two weren't able to read any of the entries submitted, I only read one. So needless to say it was less than a productive critique session. However, it was still a great meeting. We discussed each others techniques in characterization, and what helps us come up with our ideas and plots. My secret of daydreaming while driving was uncovered... My advice for the day, don't be personal friends with someone in your group. Just an FYI, they tell on you.

Since our meeting was held at the local Barnes and Noble, my friend and I picked up a few books that peaked our interest., three of them being from the 19th century, Mansfield Park, The Scarlett Letter and Wuthering Heights. I have started Wuthering Heights and everyone I have spoken with about this book has said that they read it in high school. Now I assure you that I did attend high school, but for the life of me I do not remember ever reading this book.
The beginning was hard to get into, but by the fifth chapter, I think I have finally become hooked and intrigued by these characters. Mind you, I still do not understand some of the language being read, and at times I feel incompetent.

But I will read to the end.

Needless to day, I do not think I would be very successful at writing historical British fiction.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Boy, it sure has been a while since I have posted anything. Life gets busy, busy some times.
With his past weekend being Easter weekend, I spent very little time writing on my WIP. Now it is time to pick back up where I left off... This being easier said than done. Taking a hiatus, from my make-believe world for my real world, slows me down until I get back into the swing of my own imagination.

On a productive note, I registered yesterday to attend an all day long event of writers workshops in Weatherford. It is called Books 'n Authors 'n All That Jazz. This will be my first real workshop. Now I just hope I don't get sleepy during this event. I have this bad habit when I am put in a class like setting, within ten minutes my eyelids start to droop and I can't help but yawn constantly. I find it terribly rude, but it isn't something I know how to prevent.

Even now thinking about it, I am yawning and my eyes want to close. Oh wait, that could be because it is 11:40 pm.