"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” - Emerson

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This has been a busy weekend in the "writing" compartment of my life.
Yesterday I attended the book signing for Candace Havens new book "Take Me if You Dare". She is extremely nice! But I am going to have to seriously work on my fear of speaking out loud to strangers. I am a member of her writer's workshop so I receive emails from her on assignments to do, so I feel as though I know her. Then face to face with her, it felt as though it was my first day at a new school and I checked my voice at the front door... I would have been handed back my new book, still wet with ink, and turned and walked right out that door with out a mutter to Candace if it hadn't been for my mother, who doesn't believe in the word stranger,who practically yelled out "She writes too!!!"
So I was then asked by awesome Candace, What do you write?
My response... this was my shining moment, and I said, "Uhh...I uh... "
After about a full minute of stuttering, I did finally find that wretched voice of mine and answer her, AFTER I looked foolish.
I am seriously going to have to figure out a way to overcome my fear of actually speaking to a stranger. It isn't like it was ingrained into my head as a young child not to speak to strangers, remember that was not a word in my home.

Moving on...
Today was my BPL meeting. It was one of those love it/hate it moments.
They are critiquing a book that I have already completed the first draft on and need to start doing the revisions. The hate it part came into play today because the chapter that I submitted, I found so many mistakes that I shouldn't have made. Not even minor but major ones. Oh well, that is the writing process. Learning from your mistakes and growing from them. Reviewing this piece while continuing to write on my WIP has also helped me realize that I prefer to write in first person. I love being inside my main characters head and making her thoughts real instead of just being the third person telling a story.

Speaking of my WIP...
I am happy to say that I did complete my latest chapter and I seem to be moving along fairly well in the one progressing at the moment.

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